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Chapter 8 Vectors and Lines

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” - Arthur C. Clarke

Welcome to calculus in three dimensions. The beauty of this material is how closely it parallels your first semester of calculus. After a brief introduction to the coordinate plane, you learned how to graph lines and parabolas. After a brief introduction to three-space, we will be graphing planes and paraboloids. Just as we defined continuity in terms of limits in Calculus I, we will define continuity of functions of several variables in terms of limits in this course. Lines were important as they allowed you to define tangent lines to functions and the derivative. Tangent planes to functions and surfaces will aid our definition of derivative. Once you understood the derivative, you used it to find maxima and minima of real valued functions and we will use the derivative of functions in three-space to find maxima and minima in our applications as well. Two of the most central ideas of your first calculus course were the chain rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus. We will extend your notion of the chain rule and the fundamental theorem in this course. Only near the end of the course will the work we do not have a parallel to your first course. At the end, we'll cover Green's and Gauss' Theorems, which are necessary tools in physics and engineering, but which had no parallel in Calculus I.

Definition 8.1.

\(\nat\) is the set of all Natural Numbers.

Definition 8.2.

\(\re\) is the set of all Real Numbers.

We will also use the notation, “\(\in\text{,}\)” to mean “is an element of.” Thus, “\(x \in \re\)” means “\(x\) is an element of \(\re,\)” or “x is a real number.” Similarly, \(x,y \in \re\) means “x and y are real numbers.” In Calculus I and II, you lived in two-space, or \(\re^2 = \{ (x,y) : x,y \in \re \}.\) Now you have graduated to 3-space!

Definition 8.3.

Three dimensional space (Euclidean 3-space or \({\re} ^3\)), is the set of all ordered sequences of 3 real numbers. That is

\begin{equation*} {\re}^3\ =\ \{(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}):x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \in {\re}\}. \end{equation*}

Of course, there is no reason to stop with the number 3. More generally, \(n\)-space or \(\re^n\) is the set of all ordered sequences of \(n\) real numbers, but we will spend most of our time concerned with only \(\re, \re^2, \re^3,\) and occasionally, \(\re^4.\) Euclidean 4-space is handy since one might want to consider an object or shape in 3-space that is moving with respect to time, thus adding a \(4^{th}\) dimension.

We will write elements in \(\re^3\) just as letters; hence, by \(x \in \re^3\) we mean the element, \(x = (x_1, x_2, x_3)\) where \(x_1,x_2,x_3 \in \re.\) The origin is the element, \(o = (0,0,0).\)

Definition 8.4.

If \(x, y \in {\re}^3\text{,}\) then \(\oa{xy}\) is the directed line segment from \(x\) to \(y.\) We abbreviate \(\oa {ox}\) by \(\oa x.\) Directed line segments are referred to as vectors.

Physicists and mathematicians often speak of a vector's magnitude and direction. Given a vector, \(\oa x,\) by magnitude (or norm) we mean the distance between the point, \(x,\) and the origin, \(o\text{.}\) By direction we mean the direction determined by the directed line segment \(\oa x\) that has base at \(o\) and tip at the point, \(x.\) When we say to “sketch the vector \(\oa x\)” we mean to draw the directed line segment from the origin to the point, \(x.\)

We are making a distinction between points and vectors. Points are the actual elements of 3-space and vectors are directed line segments. The word scalar will be used to refer to real numbers (and later in your mathematical career as complex numbers or elements of any field). The word, point may be used to mean a real number, an element of \(\re^2\text{,}\) an element of \(\re^3,\) etc.

Having carefully made clear the distinction between point and vector you will have to work hard to keep me honest; I tend to use the two more or less interchangeably.

Definition 8.5.

If \(x, y \in \re^3,\) with \(x =(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})\) and \(y=(y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3})\text{,}\) and \(\alpha \in {\re}\) then:

  • \(x+y=(x_{1}+y_{1},\ x_{2}+y_{2},\ x_{3}+y_{3})\) “Addition in \(\re^3\)”

  • \(\alpha x= (\alpha x_{1},\ \alpha x_{2},\ \alpha x_{3})\) “Scalar Multiplication in \(\re^3\)”

Now, to be precise, we should also define vector addition and scalar multiplication for vectors. Since the definition is identical (except for placing arrows above the \(x\) and \(y\)) we omit this. As you can see, always making a distinction between a point and a vector can be cumbersome.

Problem 8.6.

Let \(\oa{x}=\oa{(1,2)}\) and \(\oa{y}=\oa{(5,2)}\) and sketch \(\oa{x},\ \oa{y},\ -\oa{x},\ 2\oa{y}.\)

Consider the two vectors, \(\oa {xy}\) and \(\oa y - \oa x.\) Both vectors have the same direction and the same magnitude. They are different because the vector \(\oa y - \oa x\) has its base at the origin and its tip at the point \(y-x\) while \(\oa {xy}\) has its base at \(x\) and its tip at \(y.\)

Problem 8.7.

Sketch \(\oa{x}+\oa{y}, \oa{x}-\oa{y}\) and \(\oa{xy}\) where \(\oa{x}=\oa{(2,3)}\) and \(\oa{y}=\oa{(4,2)}.\)

Definition 8.8.

Let \(n \in {\nat}.\) A function from \({\re}\) to \({\re}^n\) is called a parametric curve.

We will be concerned primarily with vector valued functions where the range is \(\re^2\) or \(\re^3.\) If \(n=2\text{,}\) then such functions are also called planar curves and if \(n=3\) they are called space curves. We'll put a vector symbol, \(\oa{}\text{,}\) over such functions to remind us that the range is not a real number but a point in \({\re}^n.\)

Problem 8.9.

Let \(\oa l(t)=(2t,\ 3t)\text{.}\) Sketch \(\oa l\) for all \(t \in \re.\) If \(t\) represents time and \(\oa l(t)\) represents the position of a llama at time \(t\text{,}\) then how fast is the llama traveling?

Problem 8.10.

Let \(\oa l(t)= (1,2)+(4,5)t\text{.}\) Sketch \(\oa l\) for all \(t \in \re\) and give the speed of a lemur whose position in the plane at time \(t\) seconds is given by \(\oa l(t).\)

Problem 8.11.

What is the distance between the point \((1,2,3)\) and the origin? What is the distance between \((1,2,3)\) and \((4,5,6)\text{?}\)

Problem 8.12.

Sketch \(\oa r(t)=t(1,2,3)+(1-t)(3,4,-5)\) for all \(t \in \re\text{.}\) Compute \(\oa r(0)\) and \(\oa r(1).\)

Problem 8.13.

What is the distance between \({x}=(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})\) and \({y}=(y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3})\text{?}\)

Problem 8.14.

Let \(x = (2,5,-1)\) and \(y = (1,2,4).\)

  1. Write an equation, \(\oa l,\) for the line in \({\re}^3\) passing through \(x\) and \(y\) with \(\oa l(0) = x\) and \(\oa l(1) = y.\)

  2. Write an equation, \(\oa m,\) for the line in \({\re}^3\) passing through \(x\) and \(y\) so that \(\oa m(0) = x\) and the speed of an object with position determined by the line is twice the speed of an object with position determined by the line in part 1 of this problem.

Problem 8.15.

Find infinitely many parametric equations for the line passing through \((a,b,c)\) in the direction \(\oa{(x,y,z)}.\)

Problem 8.16.

Plot some points in order to graph \(\oa f(t) = (\sin(t),\cos(t),t)\) for \(t \in [0,6\pi].\) How would you write the set representing the range of \(\oa f?\)

In Calculus I and II you studied functions from \(\re\) to \(\re,\) for example \(f(x)=x^3,\) and functions from \(\re\) to \({\re}^2,\) for example \(\oa r(t)=(\cos(t),\sin(t))\text{.}\) Now we have added functions from \({\re}\) to \({\re}^3\) such as the examples in the previous few problems. We wish to add functions from \(\re^2\) to \(\re\) to our list next. Such functions are called real-valued functions of several variables.

Definition 8.17.

A real valued function of several variables is a function \(f\) from \({\re}^n \to {\re}\text{.}\) We will primarily consider \(n=2\) and \(n=3\) in this course.

Example 8.18.

Functions we will encounter and their names.

  1. real valued functions defined on \(\re\) \(f: \re \to \re\text{,}\) \(f(t) = t^2 + e^t\)

  2. parametric curves (also called vector valued functions) defined on \(\re\)

    1. planar curves \(\oa f : \re \to \re^2\text{,}\) \(\oa f(t) = (e^{2t+1}, 3t+1)\)

    2. space curves \(\oa f : \re \to \re^3\text{,}\) \(\oa f(t) = (2t+1, (3t+1)^3, 4t+1)\)

  3. real-valued functions of several variables, or multivariate functions

    1. real valued functions of two variables \(f: \re^2 \to \re\text{,}\) \(f(x,y) = x^2 + \sqrt{y}\)

    2. vector valued functions of three variables \(f: \re^3 \to \re^2\text{,}\) \(f(x,y,z) = (2xy, 3x + 4y^2)\)

    3. vector valued functions of several variables \(f: \re^n \to \re^m\) where \(m,n \ge 2\)

Problem 8.19.

Graph the set of all points \((x,y,z)\) in \({\re}^3\) that satisfy \(x+y+z=1.\)

Problem 8.20.

Graph the set of all points \((x,y,z)\) in \({\re}^3\) that satisfy \(z=4.\)

Definition 8.21.

If \(\oa{x}\) is a vector in \({\re}^3\text{,}\) then \(\mid \oa{x}\mid = \dsp{\sqrt{x_{1}^2+x_{2}^2+x_{3}^2}}\text{.}\) This is called the magnitude, length, or norm of \(\oa x.\)

We defined the norm on vectors, but the same definition is valid for points in \(\re^3.\)

Problem 8.23.

Sketch in \({\re}^2\) the vectors \(\oa{(1,2)}\) and \(\oa{(3,5)}\text{,}\) and find the angle between these vectors by using the law of cosines.

Problem 8.24.

Sketch in \({\re}^3\) the vectors \(\oa{(1,2,3)}\) and \(\oa{(-2,1,0)}\text{,}\) and find the angle between these vectors by using the law of cosines.

Definition 8.25.

If \(\oa{x}=\oa{(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})}\) and \(\oa{y}=\oa{(y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3})}\text{,}\) then the dot product of \(\oa{x}\) and \(\oa{y}\) is defined by \(\oa{x}\cdot \oa{y}=x_{1}y_{1}+x_{2}y_{2}+x_{3}y_{3}\)

Again, we defined the dot product on vectors, but the same definition is valid for points in \(\re^3.\)

Definition 8.26.

We say the vectors \(\oa{x}\) and \(\oa{y}\) are orthogonal if \(\oa{x}\cdot \oa{y}=0\text{.}\)

Problem 8.27.

Show that if \(\oa x\) and \(\oa y\) are vectors in \(\re^3\) then

\begin{equation*} \mid \oa x-\oa y\mid^2\ =\ \mid \oa x\mid ^2-2 \oa x \cdot \oa y + \mid \oa y \mid ^2. \end{equation*}
Problem 8.28.

Find two vectors orthogonal to \(\oa{(1,2)}\text{.}\) How many are there?

Problem 8.29.

Find three vectors orthogonal to \(\oa{(1,2,3)}\text{.}\) How many are there?

Problem 8.30.

Use Theorem 8.22 and Problem 8.27 to show that if \(\oa{x}, \oa{y} \in {\re}^3\) and \(\theta\) is the angle between \(\oa{x}\) and \(\oa{y}\text{,}\) then \(\oa{x}\cdot \oa{y}\ =\ \mid \oa{x}\mid\ \mid \oa{y}\mid \cos \ \theta\text{.}\)

Problem 8.31.

Find two vectors orthogonal to both \(\oa{(1,4,3)}\) and \(\oa{(2,-3,4)}\text{.}\) Sketch all four vectors.

Problem 8.32.

Show that if two non-zero vectors \(\oa{x}\) and \(\oa{y}\) are orthogonal then the angle between them is \(90^{\circ}\text{.}\) Hence any two orthogonal vectors are perpendicular vectors.

Problem 8.33.

Given the vectors \(\oa{u},\oa{v} \in \re^3,\) find the area of the parallelogram with sides \(\oa{u}\) and \(\oa{v}\) and diagonals \(\oa{u+v}\) and \(\oa {uv}\text{.}\) The vertices of this parallelogram are the points: the origin, u, v, and u+v.

Problem 8.34.

Assume \(\oa{u},\ \oa{v}\in {\re}^3\text{.}\) Find a vector \(\oa{x}=(x,y,z)\) so that \(\oa{x} \perp \oa{u}\) and \(\oa{x}\ \perp \oa{v}\) and \(x+y+z=1\text{.}\)

Problem 8.35.

Prove or give a counter example to each of the following where \(\oa u, \oa v \in \re^3\) and \(c \in \re\text{:}\)

  1. \(\oa{u}\cdot \oa{v} \ =\ \oa{v}\cdot \oa{u}\)

  2. \(\oa{u} (\oa{w} \cdot \oa{v})\ =\ (\oa{u} \cdot \oa{w}) (\oa{u} \cdot \oa{v})\)

  3. \(c(\oa{u}\cdot \oa{v})\ =\ (c\oa{u})\cdot \oa{v}\ =\ \oa{u}\cdot (c\oa{v})\)

  4. \(\oa{u} + (\oa{v} \cdot \oa{w})\ =\ (\oa{u} + \oa v) \cdot (\oa{u} + \oa{w})\)

  5. \(\oa{u}\cdot \oa{u}\ =\ \mid \oa u\mid^2\)

Problem 8.36.

Let \(f(x,y)=x^2+y^2\text{.}\) Sketch the intersection of the graph of \(f\) with the planes: \(z=0, z=4, z=9, y=0, y=-1, y=1, x=0, x=-1\) and \(x=1\text{.}\) Now sketch all of these together in one 3-D graph.

In the previous problem, the intersection of the graph with \(z=0, z=4, \mbox{ and } z=9\) are called level curves because each represents the path you would take if you walked around the graph always remaining at a certain height or level. Recall the Chain Rule from Calculus I.

Problem 8.38.

Let \(g(x,y)=x^2+y^3\) and \(\oa l(t)=(0,1)t\text{.}\) Compute \(g\circ \oa l\text{.}\) Graph \(g,\) \(\oa l,\) and \(g\circ \oa l\text{.}\)

Problem 8.39.

Compute \((g\circ \oa l)'(t)\) and \((g\circ \oa l)'(2)\text{.}\) What is the significance of this number with respect to your graphs from the previous problem?

Here is a reminder from Calculus II of the definition of arc length.

Definition 8.40.

If \(f:\ \re \to \re\) is a function which is differentiable on \([a,\ b]\text{,}\) then the arc length of f on \([a,\ b]\) is \(\dsp{\int_{a}^{b}{\sqrt{1+(f'(x))^2}\ dx}}.\) If \(\oa c:{\re}\to{\re}^2\) is a vector valued function which is differentiable on \([a,\ b]\) so that \(\oa c(t) = (x(t),y(t))\text{,}\) then the arc length of \(\oa c\) on \([a,\ b]\) is \(\dsp{\int_a^b{\sqrt{(x'(t))^2+(y'(t))^2}\ dt}}\text{.}\)

Problem 8.41.

A man walks along a path on the surface \(f(x,y)=4-2x^2-3y^2\) from one point on the x-axis to a second point on the x-axis, always remaining directly above the x-axis. Graph the path and write an integral expression for the distance he walked and compute the distance he walked.

Problem 8.42.

A lady walks along the surface from the previous problem staying exactly 3 units above the \(xy\)-plane. Write an integral expression for the distance she walks if she starts and stops at \((0, \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}},3)\) and never retraces her steps?

Problem 8.44.

Find the slope of the line tangent to \(f(x,y)=x^3+3y^2\) at \((1,2,13)\) that lies above the line \(\oa l(t)=(1,2)+(1,1)t\text{.}\)

Problem 8.45.

Given \(\oa a=\oa{(4,3)}\text{,}\) \(\oa b=\oa{(1,-1)}\text{,}\) and \(\oa c=\oa{(6,-4)}\text{,}\) determine the angle between \(\oa{ba}\) and \(\oa{bc}\text{.}\)

In the next problem the notation, \(| \cdot |,\) is used for both the absolute value (on the left side of the equation) and the norm (on the right side of the equation). Is this bad notation? Consider the definition for the norm, that

\begin{equation*} | (x_1, x_2) | = \sqrt{ x_1^2 + x_2^2}. \end{equation*}

Suppose we take the norm of a vector in \(\re^1\text{,}\) such as \((x_1).\) Then,

\begin{equation*} | (x_1) | = \sqrt{ x_1^2 } = \mbox{ the absolute value of the number } \ x_1. \end{equation*}

Thus, the absolute value of \(x\) is the norm of \(x\) so you have been studying norms since high school (elementary school?) without knowing it!

Problem 8.46.

Show that if \(\oa{u}\) and \(\oa{v}\) are vectors in \(\re^2\) then \(\mid \oa{u}\cdot \oa{v}\mid \ \leq \mid \oa{u} \mid \mid \oa{v}\mid\text{.}\) Two approaches follow:

  1. Let \(\oa{u} = (u_1,u_2)\) and \(\oa{v} = (v_1,v_2)\text{.}\) Substitute into both sides and simplify.

  2. Observe that for any constant \(k\text{,}\) \((\oa{u} - k \oa{v})\cdot(\oa{u} - k \oa{v}) \geq 0\text{.}\) Simplify this expression and use the quadratic formula.

The next result is known as the Triangle Inequality and it states essentially that the shortest distance between two points is the straight line. Look at a graph of \(\oa u, \oa v, \oa{u+v},\) and \(\oa{u(u+v)}.\) If you travel from the origin, along the vector \(\oa u\) and then along the vector \(\oa{u(u+v)}\text{,}\) then you have traveled further than if you traveled along the vector \(\oa{u+v}.\)

Problem 8.47.

Triangle Inequality. Show that if each of \(\oa{u}\) and \(\oa{v}\) are vectors in \(\re^2\)

then \(\mid \oa{u}+ \oa{v}\mid \ \leq \mid \oa{u}\mid +\mid\oa{v}\mid\text{.}\)